Wednesday, 14 January 2015

I had gone to hemalkasa for a tour With me I had my parents, sister, and a family. we went there in a car. There are many good things to watch while going there 

While going there we have to travel through the Gadchiroli district. It is widely known as the Naxalite area, also it is a  densely forested area , we continued our journey through villages. the villages were colourful and the fruits sold were very fresh.we had started the journey from our urjanagar colony  in the morning and had passed the villages and forests . Our plan was to complete the journey in a day and return home at night .But near a town while travelling at the speed of nearly 70kmph one large stone came in front of our car. Our driver had only to ways because it was two lane only and a bike was coming from front so either he had to pass it under the car where there was risk of it crushing the engine and pipes or take it under the tire. he jammed the brakes and took the stone under the tires , whoosh!!! all the air came out of the tubeless tire. not only 1 but 2 tires were destroyed. we got down the car, sat inthe forest! awhile the men took out the tore and went off yo repair it. this happened at 2 and they came back at 4. now either we had to continue  or retreat.

we chose to continue we went to the nearest town that was Arvi we went there for lodging and thenwe set of the next day for the journey. Now we went to a place known in Allapalli .

My! what trees were there long and wide up to 30 foots &more they looked like ever-
green forests and sunlight was not reaching upto the floor!!! truly was it ,THE GLORY ofALLAPALLI. we took a pic at the largest tree.

we next went out and continued on the road . After travelling for some time we came upto a lake .                           It was a magnificent lake we did some boating there 
After travelling some travelling we went to a place where there was Sangam of three rivers. We enjoyed our refeshments there and continued to our destination of Hemalkasa.I is a place of Baba Amte a famous man Annd now it is owned  by his son Prakash Amte  . Here he takes the care of the villagers and also serves the ones that are affected by a harmful disease . There is a Famous zoo where tigers, turtles , parootsand many other birds and animals are kept. Mr Amte also some times plays withthe tigers. One film is also released onthis place One seen is:

After some travelling we finally  reached Hmalkasa.

After seeing the place place we place and all its wonders . We started our Journey back we continued on our way back and. We arrived on a village . there a bazar was going on as such we bought some delicious fruits ;sitafals and corns . On the way back we stopped on a spot , colected some stocks and enjoyed the roasted corn and the Sitafals. 

Then we started the journey back home and at night we finally made it upto home. We gave goodbyes to each other went home , pulled our blankets and after a long tiring day went to a well earned sleep.